St. Peter's Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toronto
EELK Toronto Peetri Kogudus

Welcome to St. Peter's Toronto
"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." (Romans 15:7 ESV)
"Sellepärast võtke vastu üksteist, nõnda nagu ka Kristus teid on vastu võtnud Jumala austuseks." (Roomlastele 15:7)

We extend a warm welcome to St. Peter's. Our services are held at 11:30 a.m., some Sundays in English and Estonian. Please check our Calendar for upcoming services and events.
Deacon Karl Paju's new office hours are from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Wednesdays.
Teretulemast Peetri koguduse kodulehele. Meie jumalateenistused toimuvad kell 11.30 pühapäeval. Mõnel pühapäeval on teenistused Inglise keeles, osa Eesti keeles. Tulevate jumalateenistuste ja sündmuste kohta vaadake meie kalendrit.
​​Diakon Karl Paju uued kõnetunnid kantseleis kolmapäeviti kl 11.00 – 14.00
EESTPALVED võib igal ajal kirjalikult esitada kiriku kontorisse:
Latest News - Featured Articles
March 23, 2025
St. Peter"s commemorated the March 25th, 1949, deportations at today's English service. The service was presided over by Deacon Karl Paju, with organist Chung Lee. A remembrance was given by Thomas Arget. Scripture readings by Kristina Leis and Linda Laikve. Lead singer/cantor - Ethan Shkut. The service was followed by fellowship and refreshments in the Guild Room.
2. märtsil, 2025 Jumalateenistus
Teenis Diakon Karl Paju - Orelil Erik Kreem - Pühakirja lugejad Eda Oja ja Susan Pruvli - Teated Thomas Arget.
English-language Service - "Weeds Among the Wheat" - February 9th, 2025
Presiding over this week's English service was Deacon Karl Paju, organist Chung Lee. Scripture readings by Tiiu Keefer and Kristina Leis. Ethan Shkut was our guest lead singer/cantor. Announcements by Thomas Arget.